CDC (Curriculum Development Center) Nepal app – instructional materials for school education

CDC (Curriculum Development Center) Nepal app is an app that serves as an instructional materials for school education in order to achieve the national goals of education. The app includes textbooks, curriculum, bulletins, news and many other informational materials.
The users can view "News" of CDC, an academic center, under the Ministry of Education, can download curriculums, textbooks, bulletins etc. The app can be very useful for teachers and students.
The vision of CDC is to identify itself as an academic centre by developing appropriate curriculum, textbooks and other instructional materials required for job oriented, student centered, practical, life skills oriented, vocational, competitive and qualitative school education. And they have tried to support the same with the help of this app.
This Centre is headed by a Gazetted I class officer as the Executive Director and the centre teams with 60 staffs comprising of both technical and administrative fields. The office of this centre is located at Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.
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