FIFA16 Tournament

Star mall, Putalisadak is organizing FIFA16 Tournament from 8th June 2016. Entry fee is NRs. 200.
Registration forms are available in the following area close to you:
1. K.L Tower Food Court:
2. Chakrapath Hive Gaming Zone
3. Y2K Gaming Zone, Chakrapath
4. 360 Gaming Zone, City Center, Kamal Pokhari
5. Underground Gaming Zone, Baneshwor
6. Game Cube, Bouddha
7. Game Ghar, Bouddha
8. 5 Crowns, Jawalkhel
9. Tantra, Purano Baneshwor
10. Gamers Paradise, Bishal Bazaar, New Road
11. Gorayz Gaming Station, Kumaripati
12. Nakhipot Game Station, Nakhipot
13. Gamers Headquarter, KumariPati
14. Tech101, Star Mall , Putalisadak
Contact no.: 9851199678, 9803331010