Kathmanduities are initiating an Internet Strike

July 31, 2017: For the first time in the history of Nepal, an internet strike is being initiated in Nepal. The initiation of this Internet Strike is being taken by Save Nepa Valley Movement. The date of the Internet Strike is on 2074 Shrawan 17(August 1, 2017)
For 24 hours of the day the picture with Khabardar sign and text in black background will be uploaded to social media like Facebook and Twitter with hashtag #SaveNepaValley. For 24 hours on the day, only the stuffs related to the movement will be posted, with the same hashtag.
Main issues of concern for this Internet Strike are as follows:-
- Deeply centralized development system. We need to tell the state that we need development and establishment of cities in other regions of Nepal.
- Destruction in the name of development. The actual meaning of development is not being applied. We are doing construction projects without studying over all positive and negative impacts of it. We cannot see development as just construction work, but we need to see sustainability and positive human impacts.
- The condition of existing urban and sub-urban premises are very bad, we want authorities to focus on development of existing settlements, improving its quality and upbringing living standard and economic standard of the inhabitants. This includes everything from health facilitates, employment opportunities, water availability, proper road and sewage pipelines, traffic management.
- Environment and nature is something very essential to human life, but we all know the pollution rate of the valley. The air, water and land here is not just harmful but is fully toxic. We need to protect environment and create a healthy nature. This includes protection of fertile land, green areas and green spaces in the towns.
- We all know how fertile the land of valley is. This relates us with food security and proper use of land. The remaining agricultural and fertile land of the valley must be protected and utilized properly for food of our country. Introduce Land Use Act in Nepal.
- Control the un-managed new towns and new settlements created by Real Estates and Land Mafias that is causing the Kathmandu to sprawl and making it more and more messy, focus more on making cities in other regions of Nepal.
- To preserve, protect, promote and develop the ancient civilization of Nepa valley. Heritage preservation including heritage towns of the valley should be protected and well preserved. We need to utilize the Indigenous knowledge.
- We are against construction of outer ringroad and satellite towns, as well as un-justified road expansions in the valley. We do not agree the fast Track Project alignment. We do not need outer ringroad and satellite towns which has more negative impacts to the valley, and contributes in sprawl and dis-management of the valley. We need to focus on development of existing infrastructures and development of in-developed parts of Nepal
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