NIBL and its VISA Associates to launch VISA Card Loyalty Program 2019

Janaury 01, 2019: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd (NIBL) along with its 14 VISA associate member banks will be launching two variants of Visa card under its loyalty program for 2019.
According to a statement issued by NIBL, Sunday Funday is a VISA card loyalty program where all VISAcard holders of these banks are entitled to 15 percent cash back (maximum of Rs 500) on every purchase made on Sunday through VISA domestic cards at all POS terminals within Nepal.
Likewise, Wow Wednesday!! is a unique loyalty program where all VISA card holders of these banks receive gift vouchers of maximum Rs 750 for shopping on every Wednesday at all outlets of Bhat-Bhateni Supermarket (BBSM).
Card holders of Century Bank Ltd, Garima Bikas Bank Ltd, Global IME Bank, Kailash Bikas Bank Ltd, Kumari Bank Ltd, Mahalaxmi Development Bank, Mega Bank Nepal Ltd, Muktinath Bikash Bank, Nepal Bank Ltd, NCC Bank, Nepal Investment Bank Ltd, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Sanima Bank, Sahayogi Vikas Bank Ltd, and United Finance Ltd will benefit under this program.
Further, the statement said that such loyalty programs in partnership with VISAwill encourage less-cash economy to promote secured and convenient digital payment in the country.