The mask of Aakash Bhairab. It is displayed only once a year during Indra Jatra festival at Basantapur Durbar Square, Kathmandu. Photo: Robon Dongol
The mask of Aakash Bhairab. It is displayed only once a year during Indra Jatra festival at Basantapur Durbar Square, Kathmandu. Photo: Robon Dongol
November 15, 2017 Oppo F5 Launched in Nepali Market November 15, 2017: Chinese smartphone manufacturer Oppo, the maker of…
November 13, 2017 Micromax Launches Canvas Infinity November 10, 2017: Micromax has introduced the advanced and evolutionary…
November 8, 2017 More than 30 SUVs head out to Lo Manthang in an off-road expedition November 07,2017: With the main objective of promoting internal tourism…
November 8, 2017 Nepal’s First Noodle-Bar ‘Wai Wai City’ Opens at Labim Mall November 07, 2017: Wai Wai City, the country’s first iconic…