Pulsar Dare Venture Season II

August 14, 2016: Pulsar Dare Venture is the first ever bike reality show in Nepal being organized by HH Bajaj, The first reality show was started in 2014 and the time has come to show the next thrill and fearless effort with Pulsar Dare Venture II.
Pulsar Dare Venture II will give 10 fearless and daring bikers an opportunity to enjoy and experience a ride on and off the tarmac on new special Pulsar bikes. The participants will have to go through vigorous training sessions during the preliminary sessions of the event.
1st Prize winner will receive a cash prize of Rs. 10 Lakh and a Pulsar NS,
2nd Prize winner will receive a cash prize of Rs. 5 Lakh and a Pulsar NS and
3rd Prize winner will receive a Pulsar NS .
Moreover, there is also some special recognition in different categories for the riders. The participants will have to register themselves with the registration fee of Rs 500/- at any branch of NMB Bank, all the registered bikers will have to pass through Audition, Physical Fitness Test, Obstacle Test, Medical Test, Attitude Test and Grooming session to be the final 10 riders of Pulsar Dare Venture II. The route will start from Kathmandu and take the meander through Banepa, Okhaldunga, and all the way to Solukhumbu, Takasindu . The bikes will be maintained throughout the journey by the officials of Bajaj.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a Nepalese citizen
- Must be of the age group 18 to 35
- Must have a valid Driving Licence
- Must own a Pulsar 150 CC or above.
Only Pulsar Bike of 150 and above will be allowed to participate in the event. The respective model can be of any year since the launch of the model in Nepal. The Pulsar bike must be registered in the name of the participant or immediate family member. Under no circumstances will any individual be allowed to use bikes registered under others name other than their immediate family member. The Pulsar bike must be in operating condition. And participant must be present with their Pulsar bike as when required
Required Documents
- A copy of valid driving license
- A copy of Citizenship or Passport
- A copy of Bill Book
- Two (2) copies of passport size photo
- A copy of deposit slip of NRS. 500/- made to NMB bank on behalf of
Account name: Hansraj Hulaschand & Co. Pvt. Ltd. &
A/c Number: 01300100010120000008
To register Online : www.pulsardareventure.bajajauto.com.np
You can visit your nearest Bajaj Showroom to register.